Cali, Colombia: ‘No Isla es Ningún Hombre’.


This is the largest of the ‘Sketchbook Murals’ (featured on a Colombian cultural TV channel). The proposal for these murals are derived from sharing the notes, processes, the errors in creativity and how to make connections of the disparate parts. The following main points have realised this work: 

– Show your Workings: Generously exposing the working, practices and lists of an artist at work; to share these processes in order to inspire, be it others artists accomplished, interested or non-interested parties, to children people that never set foot in art galleries.

The mural fully contains my sketches and plans. On the wall I have included the mock-versions of the mural as assisting composition or practicing items I have not yet painted before. The notes on what I want to include, colours, items, connections, corrections and rejections. For example even practicing my colour palet or mixing of colours on the wall itself.

– The Error: Included is my daily working thoughts, for this mural in particular in Colombia I use both Spanish (merely at an ‘upper-intermediate’ level) and English. These are the informal thoughts on the work, some profound others more disposable, others from reading into the subjects included in the work and quoting them.

This is allegorical form of making art in order to flow in creativity. To accept that your conversations, or your creativity is going to be full of errors and types of mistakes means the process of growth, consciousness, creativity still does not stop. 

– Finding the connections: Throughout the work there are disperate objects, parts and pieces, I ask the questions if I am simply able to make the connections between them, and they begin to appear. As well as some surprising connections I saw in hindsight after it was finished, one can observe the evolution of tiny parts neurons, animals, human anatomy, tree to the moon and constellations in outer space, a very simple continuaty that was completely unplanned.


A small sketch (that did indeed make it on to the wall more or less).