Tingo Maria, Peru: ‘Tingo Mural’.

Peru, almost all day I spent on a bus before arriving (due to speed & mountains, not distance), watching landscapes change outside the window. I found beautiful hostel at an out-of-town place recommended to me. I arrived at my accommodation on the South American version of an Indian took-took, and within 10 minutes established a great connection with the charismatic young well travelled owner.

Surrounded by white walls, we chatted about art- as I had just finished a drawing project which was my main reason for being in Peru for the second time. This was a short trip and I had told myself if I want travel I have no time to paint a mural! But this immediately began to dissipate.

So, this mural is based on the drawings done while my personal out of time and date project in the jungle of Perú. As well as our conversation , Pinitos’ ideas about when travelling we change, we are different people, it is like holding a mirror up to one’s self in a kind of pure self reflection, revolving.. At least I believe that’s what he said, we were speaking Spanish! Each day I spent with the large family at the lunchtime table understanding conversation at full speed Spanish as best I could- my favourite family in Peru! (El Vago)